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Whats App: 91-8168857428
The Expression: An International Multidisciplinary e-Journal
ISSN: 2395-4132 (Online)| A Peer-Reviewed Journal | Impact Factor: 6.4
Expression Journal Volume 11, Issue 1 (February 2025) is open for submission.
Registration windows are open for 3 anthologies from international publishers like
Routledge, Palgrave Macmillan, Bloomsburry, Ashgate, Intellect, Springer, etc:
Impact Factor
Call for Papers: Vol. 10 Issue 6
Other Links
For Authors
- How to Get Published?
- Send Paper with Abstract & Keywords
- Submit Paper Online
- Track Your Paper Online
Editor's Books
Expression Journal Board
Editorial Address
Dr. Bijender Singh
1009, Sector 30,
Industrial Model Township,
Rohtak, Haryana-124001
Whats App: 91-8168857428
Email: drsoora@gmail.com
Q. Is the Expression Journal a Refereed and Indexed Journal?
Ans. Yes, you can check its indexing at our website. Furthermore, you can check its status online also. It is a refereed/peer-reviewed journal.
Q. I want to get published in your journal? Which sort of manuscripts do you accept?
Ans. Please send original articles, papers, case studies, book reviews, interviews, short stories, poems etc.
Q. How can I get the information about the submission criteria in Expression Journal?
Ans. Please read our submission guidelines carefully and send your submission only in MS-Word file to drbijendersingh@india.com. You may submit manuscripts online also. Manuscripts in another format will not be accepted.
Q. Is this Journal UGC approved? What is impact factor of the journal.
Ans. Expression Journal has been assigned 44983 Sr. No. by UGC, New Delhi. Its impact factor is 3.9 at this time.
Q. What is UGC-CARE Journal listing criteria by UGC for this journal?
Ans. Any journal can be added or removed at any time. This journal was in UGC list but it is not in UGC CARE list.
Q. Do I need to send author’s bio, abstract, keywords and body of the article in different files?
Ans. No, Please send all details in only one attachment. We require your name, designation, affiliation, email ID and Mobile number in your MS Word file so that we may respond you accordingly.
Q. How many points in API will I get if my article is published in Expression Journal?
Ans: For national journals with ISSN you get 10 points. But if your article is published in Expression Journal, you can get 15 points for it is an international, refereed, indexed and peer-reviewed journal (according to UGC guidelines, however please confirm it,it may vary in different colleges/universities).
Q. How many days take the review process of any submission?
Ans. We generally acknowledge your submission within 48 hours but review process may take upto 20-25 days or even later. However, you can remind us if you don't get response even after 15 days.
Q. What is the deadline for the next issue of Expression Journal?
Ans: We take one month review time for any submission. If you want to get in our February Issue, your submission should reach to us not later than 31 January.
Q. Why was my submission got rejected and how can I get more chances to get published?
Ans: If your submission is not according to our submission guidelines, it may get rejected. If you send your paper with abstract in150-200 words, 5-7 keywords and bibliography/works cited according to latest MLA style sheet, the chances of acceptance may be enhanced by the respective author.
Q. What is the procedure of reviewing the manuscripts?
Ans: We strictly follow double blind peer-review procedure for the submissions. We send your submission to the reviewers and if they approve your submission then we accept your submission. If two reviewers send negative reviews we reject your submission. However, editor has final right to accept/reject any article keeping in view the quality of manuscript.
Q. How can I subscribe to the journal?
Ans: Expression Journal is an open access e-journal wherein you can read and download articles for free.
Q. Will you send me a print copy of the Expression Journal to my postal address?
Ans: No, the Expression is an Online journal.
Q. How many poems can I submit at a time?
Ans: We would appreciate if you send research articles, however you may send only one poem in an issue. (We are not open for poetry submission at this moment)
Q. How can I join the editorial/advisory.reviewer board? Please tell me eligibility criteria for it?
Ans: You must be an expert in the respective field. We prefer faculty members having a doctoral degree. However, people with vast experience even without PhD are also welcome. Please send your CV to editor@expressionjournal.com. We prefer experts in related fields especially from outside India at this moment.
Q. In which subjects do you accept articles?
Ans: Expression Journal is a multidisciplanry journal and submissions from any field from all the subjects are welcome.
Q. My manuscript has been published elsewhere? Can I send it for publication in the Expression Journal?
Ans. No, we do not publish already published manuscripts. Authors must note that they cannot send submission anywhere before receiving the rejection from Expression Journal. They must be careful in this regard.
Notice Board
- News
Journal Submission Submissions are open for Vol. 10 Issue 4 (August 2023 Issue) of the Expression Journal.
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Membership Those people who want to remain the member of editorial, advisory or reviewers' board of this journal, they must be in touch with the editor and they have to pay membership fee annually/as per plan, failing which their names may be deleted from the list.
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Urgent Atttention We are not accepting online submissions. Please don't email at editor@expressionjournal.com as it is also deliberately unfunctional due to some unavaiodable reasons. Please send all manuscripts only at drsoora@gmail.com
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Subscribe These You Tube Channels Link for Our YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/@Bijenderaa Link for Our YouTube Channel: http://www.youtube.com/@dilonkedarmiyan Subscribe these channels. The first channel is related to important issues connected to life, and the second channel is for those who are poets/shayars/ghazal writers.
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Impact Factor: 6.4
ISSN 2395-4132
Approved By
Global Indexing
Open Access Journal
Android App
CC License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
Publication Address
Dr. Bijender Singh
440, Sector 5, Rohtak, Haryana-124001
Rohtak, Haryana
Email: drsoora@gmail.com