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The Expression: An International Multidisciplinary e-Journal
ISSN: 2395-4132 (Online)| A Peer-Reviewed Journal | Impact Factor: 6.4
Expression Journal Volume 11, Issue 1 (February 2025) is open for submission.
Registration windows are open for 3 anthologies from international publishers like
Routledge, Palgrave Macmillan, Bloomsburry, Ashgate, Intellect, Springer, etc:
Impact Factor
Call for Papers: Vol. 10 Issue 6
Other Links
For Authors
- How to Get Published?
- Send Paper with Abstract & Keywords
- Submit Paper Online
- Track Your Paper Online
Editor's Books
Expression Journal Board
Editorial Address
Dr. Bijender Singh
1009, Sector 30,
Industrial Model Township,
Rohtak, Haryana-124001
Whats App: 91-8168857428
Email: drsoora@gmail.com
Call for Submission
Dear Colleagues, Friends, Scholars
We welcome professors, research scholars and researchers to contribute their original research paper/article to our international journal to enrich and illuminate this journal with your universal ideas, innovative thinking and fresh perspectives. We strive hard to publish original, unpublished work that has neither has been published nor will be sent for publication after publication in this journal.
Double Blind Review and Publication Process
We try our utmost best to ensure quality publications. The following steps may be followed for publication:
1. After receiving the manuscript we send an acknowledgement e-mail to the author.
2. After checking the primary quality, manuscripts originality will be the responsibility of the author concerned.
3. The manuscript may be forwarded to concerned reviewers for double blind review process. The review process may take one week approximately.
4. On the basis of review report, three types of decisions are generally taken — accepted without revision, resubmit with major/minor revisions or rejected. The decision is immediately communicated to the author.
5. Once the manuscript is found suitable for publication, we send a plagiarism-cum-copyright form filling request to the author.
6. Scanned copy of copyright-cum-plagiarism filled form duly by the author should be emailed to drsoora@gmail.com
Important Dates
Submissions are open whole year, any day for our journal but if the manuscript is received at least 15 days from its online publication date, it may be included in that issue otherwise it will be considered for the next issue. Registration and login are required to submit manuscript online. You may submit manuscript directly to drbijendersingh@india.com also. General deadlines and publication dates for our yearly six issues are as follows:
Last Date for Submission: 15 Feb., 15 April, 15 June, 15 Aug., 15 Oct. & 15 Dec.
Issue Publication Date: 1 March, 1 May, 1 July, 1 Sept., 1 Nov. & 1 Jan.
However, actual dates may vary.
How to Submit Manuscript?
Authors are requested to send abstract, 5-7 key words, full manuscript with 50-150 words bio-note in word format at: drsoora@gmail.com and editor@expressionjournal.com mentioning ‘Manuscript for the Expression Journal’. Don’t forget to write full name, designation and affiliation just below the title of manuscript.
Special Note
If the whole paper is found plagiarized, the paper will not be published and the person will be blocked forever for submission. If the manuscript is accepted for publication and the author also completes the publication formalities, journal reserves the right to make amendments in the final draft of the research paper to suit the journal's requirement. No grievances will be entertained thereafter.
Submission Guidelines
Manuscripts should be sent to drsoora@gmail.com and editor@expressionjournal.com in word format. Please do follow the following very important points:
1. The main paper should contain the Name, Affiliation and Email address of the author. The above information should be placed in the centre under the Title of the paper. Below the title do write full name, next line designation, next line college/university, next line address of college /university with state and country. These will be published the way you send. Sample format is given below:
2. Please write title not more than 15 words. Should be crispy and concise as maximum as possible. Title of the paper: bold, centered.
3. Paper size: A4, Font & size: Times New Roman 12, Spacing: Single line, Margin of 1 inch on all four sides. Text of the paper: justified. Font & Size: Times New Roman 12.
4. Don’t forget to send an abstract in 200 words and 5-7 key words with paper. Paper length should not less than 1500 words or more than 4000 words. The paper should not usually exceed 14 pages, 5 pages minimum in single spacing. Book review many be short and less than 1000 words. Story not more than 2500 words and brief essay and quality interviews of only eminent literary personalities are entertained.
5. Do send only original manuscripts.
6. Ensure that your manuscript has been properly ‘spell checked’. So many spelling and especially spacing errors are generally detected in the manuscript. If many spacing errors are discovered in manuscript, then also it may be rejected however quality material it contains.
7. The journal reserved full right to publish manuscript the way you send to us (with even gross mistakes authors many generally do). So, please send manuscripts the way you want to publish it.
8. Don’t forget to write page no of each reference in the body of paper. Whenever you give any quotation from the novel/text do write page no i.e. (Naipaul 117). In poetry you can write page numbers but when page no of a poem is not available then write in this form (My Mother at Sixty Six, Lines 1-4)
9. References: Please follow MLA 8th Edition style-sheet strictly. Don’t use Foot Notes. Instead use End Notes. Titles of books: Italics. Titles of articles from journals and books: “quoted”. Articles should be submitted as MS Word 2003-2007attachments only. Please do write author’s surname then name, all titles of book in italics like The Merchant in Venice, Two Virgins, The God of Small Things etc. Do write poem titles in single inverted comma. Articles titles published in any books/journal should be written in double inverted commas.
10. The papers submitted should evince serious academic work contributing new knowledge or innovative critical perspectives on the subject explored. Each paper must be accompanied by i) A declaration that it is an original work and has not been published anywhere else nor will be sent if published in the expression journal for publication. Please download “Copyright-cum-Plagiarism Form” and fill all the columns properly. Email this duly signed scanned form. ii) Abstract of paper in around 200 words and iii) A short bio-note of the contributor(s) indicating name, institutional affiliation, brief career history, postal address, mobile number and e-mail, in a single attachment. Please send all declaration or originality. All documents should be sent in one attachment in word format only.
Notice Board
- News
Journal Submission Submissions are open for Vol. 10 Issue 4 (August 2023 Issue) of the Expression Journal.
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Membership Those people who want to remain the member of editorial, advisory or reviewers' board of this journal, they must be in touch with the editor and they have to pay membership fee annually/as per plan, failing which their names may be deleted from the list.
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Urgent Atttention We are not accepting online submissions. Please don't email at editor@expressionjournal.com as it is also deliberately unfunctional due to some unavaiodable reasons. Please send all manuscripts only at drsoora@gmail.com
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Subscribe These You Tube Channels Link for Our YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/@Bijenderaa Link for Our YouTube Channel: http://www.youtube.com/@dilonkedarmiyan Subscribe these channels. The first channel is related to important issues connected to life, and the second channel is for those who are poets/shayars/ghazal writers.
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Impact Factor: 6.4
ISSN 2395-4132
Approved By
Global Indexing
Open Access Journal
Android App
CC License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
Publication Address
Dr. Bijender Singh
440, Sector 5, Rohtak, Haryana-124001
Rohtak, Haryana
Email: drsoora@gmail.com