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The Expression: An International Multidisciplinary e-Journal
ISSN: 2395-4132 (Online)| A Peer-Reviewed Journal | Impact Factor: 6.4
Expression Journal Volume 11, Issue 1 (February 2025) is open for submission.
Registration windows are open for 3 anthologies from international publishers like
Routledge, Palgrave Macmillan, Bloomsburry, Ashgate, Intellect, Springer, etc:
Impact Factor
Call for Papers: Vol. 10 Issue 6
Other Links
For Authors
- How to Get Published?
- Send Paper with Abstract & Keywords
- Submit Paper Online
- Track Your Paper Online
Editor's Books
Expression Journal Board
Editorial Address
Dr. Bijender Singh
1009, Sector 30,
Industrial Model Township,
Rohtak, Haryana-124001
Whats App: 91-8168857428
Email: drsoora@gmail.com
Open Access Overview
What is Open Access?
By Open Access, we mean the free, immediate, availability on the public Internet of those works which scholars give to the world without expectation of payment – permitting any user to read, download, copy, distribute, print, search or link to the full text of these articles, crawl them for indexing, pass them as data to software or use them for any other lawful purpose.
Why Open Access?
Funders invest in research in order to accelerate the pace of scientific discovery, encourage innovation, enrich education, and stimulate the economy – to improve the public good. They recognize that broad access to the results of research is an essential component of the research process itself. Research advances only through sharing of results, and the value of an investment in research is only maximized through wide use of its results. Yet, too often, research results are not available to the broadest community of potential users. The Internet provides a new opportunity to bring information to a wider audience at virtually no marginal cost, and allow them to use it in new, innovative ways. This has resulted in a call for new framework to allow research results to be more easily accessed and used—a call for Open Access.
Who Benefits from Open Access?
1. Researchers:
Increases readers’ ability to find use relevant literature
Increases the visibility, readership and impact of author’s works
Creates new avenues for discovery in digital environment
Enhances interdisciplinary research
Accelerates the pace of research, discovery and innovation
2. Educational Institutions:
Contributes to core mission of advancing knowledge
Democratizes access across all institutions – regardless of size or budget
Provides previously unattainable access to community colleges, two-year colleges, K-12 and other schools
Provides access to crucial STEM materials
Increases competitiveness of academic institutions
Enriches the quality of their education
Ensures access to all that students need to know, rather what they (or their school) can afford
Contributes to a better-educated workforce
3. Research Funders:
Leverages return on research investment
Creates tool to manage research portfolio
Avoids funding duplicative research
Creates transparency
Encourages greater interaction with results of funded research
4. Businesses
Access to cutting-edge research encourages innovation
Stimulates new ideas, new services, new products
Creates new opportunities for job creation
5. Public:
Provides access to previously unavailable materials relating to health, energy, environment, and other areas of broad interest
Creates better educated populace
Encourages support of scientific enterprise and engagement in citizen science
Why start with public access?
“Governments would boost innovation and get a better return on their investment in publicly funded research by making research findings more widely available… And by doing so, they would maximize social returns on public investments.” –Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development Widespread access to publicly funded research results is an essential, inseparable component of our nation’s investment in science.
Results of publicly funded research should be shared in cost-effective ways in order to stimulate discovery and innovation, and advance the translation of this knowledge into public benefits Enhanced access to and expanded sharing of information will lead to usage by millions of scientists, professionals, and individuals, and will deliver an accelerated return on the public’s investment in this research. More...
Notice Board
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Journal Submission Submissions are open for Vol. 10 Issue 4 (August 2023 Issue) of the Expression Journal.
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Membership Those people who want to remain the member of editorial, advisory or reviewers' board of this journal, they must be in touch with the editor and they have to pay membership fee annually/as per plan, failing which their names may be deleted from the list.
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Urgent Atttention We are not accepting online submissions. Please don't email at editor@expressionjournal.com as it is also deliberately unfunctional due to some unavaiodable reasons. Please send all manuscripts only at drsoora@gmail.com
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Subscribe These You Tube Channels Link for Our YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/@Bijenderaa Link for Our YouTube Channel: http://www.youtube.com/@dilonkedarmiyan Subscribe these channels. The first channel is related to important issues connected to life, and the second channel is for those who are poets/shayars/ghazal writers.
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Impact Factor: 6.4
ISSN 2395-4132
Approved By
Global Indexing
Open Access Journal
Android App
CC License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
Publication Address
Dr. Bijender Singh
440, Sector 5, Rohtak, Haryana-124001
Rohtak, Haryana
Email: drsoora@gmail.com