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Whats App: 91-8168857428

The Expression: An International Multidisciplinary e-Journal

ISSN: 2395-4132 (Online)| A Peer-Reviewed Journal | Impact Factor: 6.4

Expression Journal Volume 11, Issue 1 (February 2025) is open for submission.

Registration windows are open for 3 anthologies from international publishers like

Routledge, Palgrave Macmillan, Bloomsburry, Ashgate, Intellect, Springer, etc:

1. Gender and Genre in English Literature: A Global Gaze
2. Writers of Indian Diaspora: Roots and Routes
3. World Drama: Voices and Visions
Contact the editor at +91-8168857428 or through email at

Impact Factor
Call for Papers: Vol. 10 Issue 6

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For Authors
Editor's Books
issn online number

Late Night Poetry / Bijender Singh

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          दिलों के दरमियां / बिजेंद्र सिंह 

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Poetry for Differently Abled / Dr. Bijender Singh

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Confusing Poetry / Dr. Bijender Singh

Expression Journal Board

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Editorial Address

Dr. Bijender Singh
1009, Sector 30,
Industrial Model Township,
Rohtak, Haryana-124001
Whats App: 91-8168857428

Peer Review Policy

Double Blind Peer Review Policy:

  • Expression Journal applies a double-blind peer review procedure, which means that both the identity of the reviewer and that of the author are concealed before, during and after the review process.
  • Editorial staff should never be involved in editorial decisions about their own work.
  • Editorial staff (including peer reviewers) should withdraw from discussions about submissions where any circumstances might prevent them from offering unbiased editorial decisions.
  • Peer reviewers, who regularly produce poor quality work, will be removed from the editorial board. Poor quality work includes work that is tardy, abusive, unconstructive or a work that is handed in too late.
  • It is allowed that peer-reviewers delegate peer-review to members of their staff, provided that they inform the editor of the journal about it.
  • Editors may choose a peer-reviewer who is suggested by the author but are not obligated to follow the author's request. Likewise, authors may suggest that a certain peer-reviewer is not used, but this does not give any guarantees that this suggestion is followed by the editor.
  • Peer-review comments or published correspondence should not contain personal attacks on the authors.
  • To protect the author, a submitted manuscript should be destroyed by the peer-reviewer after they have reviewed it.
  • Authors do not have the right to veto comments about their work, preferred that the comment is not a personal attack on the author himself.
  • If agreement during the peer-review process cannot be reached, editors may invite one or multiple other peer-reviewers to review the article. The editor's decision following such an appeal is final.

General rules for reviewers

1. If the reviewer feels that s/he is not capable of reviewing the manuscript s/he must promptly return it to the editor.
2. The reviewer must judge the manuscript's scholarly quality and respect the author's intellectual independence. Personal criticism should be avoided.
3. The reviewer should return the manuscript in case of conflict of interest.
4. If the reviewer has a personal or professional connection with the author(s) in a way that the relationship has the potential to bias judgement of the manuscript the editor(s) should be informed.
5. The reviewer should keep the manuscript confidential. No other person should see the manuscript.
6. Judgments, criticisms and suggestions must be clearly explained and expressed in an academic language.
7. Any reference to other publications must be adequately cited so that the editors and author(s) can identify the referred work.
8. The reviewer should pay attention to missing or absent citations.
9. The reviewer should inform the editor(s) in case s/he doubts that there is an excessive similarity between the given text and other previously published works.

10. Disclosing unpublished information, arguments, or interpretations of a manuscript under consideration, except with the consent of the author is not allowed.
11. The reviewer should complete the task within the given time. If a deadline extension is needed the editor(s) should be informed.



Notice Board

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    Journal Submission
    Submissions are open for Vol. 10 Issue 4 (August 2023 Issue) of the Expression Journal.

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    Watch Video: Strong Motivation

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    Those people who want to remain the member of editorial, advisory or reviewers' board of this journal, they must be in touch with the editor and they have to pay membership fee annually/as per plan, failing which their names may be deleted from the list.

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    Urgent Atttention
    We are not accepting online submissions. Please don't email at as it is also deliberately unfunctional due to some unavaiodable reasons. Please send all manuscripts only at

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    Watch Video: 50 Ways to Avoid Online/Cyber Fraud

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    Watch Video: Why students fail? || Reasons why students fail || Reasons behind students' poor performance ||

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    Subscribe These You Tube Channels
    Link for Our YouTube Channel: Link for Our YouTube Channel: Subscribe these channels. The first channel is related to important issues connected to life, and the second channel is for those who are poets/shayars/ghazal writers.

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    Watch Video: CBSE/State Exams में Top कैसे करें?

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    Watch Video: Why to Learn? || How to Learn? || Students' 90 Day Challenge

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    Watch Video: Students must not commit these 101 mistakes

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    Watch Video: मौत का खतरा: ये गलतियां कभी नहीं करनी चाहिए || छोटी लापरवाहियों में है जा

Impact Factor: 6.4

ISSN 2395-4132

Approved By

Global Indexing

Open Access Journal

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CC License

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.


Publication Address

Dr. Bijender Singh
440, Sector 5, Rohtak, Haryana-124001
Rohtak, Haryana 


Indexing and Abstracting

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