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Whats App: 91-8168857428

The Expression: An International Multidisciplinary e-Journal

ISSN: 2395-4132 (Online)| A Peer-Reviewed Journal | Impact Factor: 6.4

Expression Journal Volume 11, Issue 1 (February 2025) is open for submission.

Registration windows are open for 3 anthologies from international publishers like

Routledge, Palgrave Macmillan, Bloomsburry, Ashgate, Intellect, Springer, etc:

1. Gender and Genre in English Literature: A Global Gaze
2. Hanbook of Indian English Drama 
3. World Drama: Voices and Visions
Contact the editor at +91-8168857428 or through email at

Impact Factor
Call for Papers: Vol. 11 Issue 1

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For Authors
Editor's Books
issn online number

Late Night Poetry / Bijender Singh

issn online number

          दिलों के दरमियां / बिजेंद्र सिंह 

issn online number

Poetry for Differently Abled / Dr. Bijender Singh

issn online number

Confusing Poetry / Dr. Bijender Singh

Expression Journal Board

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Editorial Address

Dr. Bijender Singh
1009, Sector 30,
Industrial Model Township,
Rohtak, Haryana-124001
Whats App: 91-8168857428


1. If you want to get membership to join editorial/advisory/reviewers' board, please pay annual membership charges. 2 Get your book published in 15 days from Delhi-based reputed publishers. 3. We invite only original and unpublished papers for any call for submission.

Welcome to Expression Journal

The Expression, an International Bi-monthly Peer-Reviewed Multidisciplinary e-Journal with International Standard Serial Number (ISSN: 2395-4132), welcomes the submission of manuscripts which meet the general criteria of outstanding significance, exceptional excellence and refined novelty. It provides timely publication with current Impact Factor 6.4 and open access facility of all its contents to the wide range of people across the globe. The journal welcomes the submission of all manuscripts that meet the quality parameters of international standard for our regular issues. All the submissions must be original, scholarly and unpublished. The journal encourages interpretative criticism, fresh insights and creative writing skills to its readers and writers also. Research articles from all areas of English Literature and English Language Teaching are entertained in this journal. Hence it is multidisciplinary journal, it invites papers from a wide range of subjects such as Education, Economics, Computer Science, Geography, Physical Education and Accountancy etc. All faculty members, students, scholars, independent researchers, poets and short-story writers from all over the world are invited to send their submissions. We try to follow a strict double-blind review of the manuscripts and we neither divulge the identity of the reviewer nor the author. Our effort is to give an opportunity to research scholars and experts equally to publish their works on this international platform. Only quality submissions free from plagiarism are being invited. So, it is must for our esteemed contributors to ensure Zero Plagiarism otherwise concerned person will be blocked forever for this journal if found any plagiarized material at any stage. On receiving large number of manuscripts, decision of peer review committee, in accordance with editor-in-chief, will be final and binding. It is hoped that this journal will prove a milestone in shaping the career of young authors and giving a new flavour to the interests of the experts also. It will stimulate the young minds and cudgel the brains of the erudite people as well by its innovative thoughts, critical insights and creative flavour.

Why Expression Journal?

  1. It is an open-access, double blind peer reviewed International Journal.
  2. We have reviewers' team from various universities or colleges from private or government sector.
  3. It covers the full range of qualitative and effective research papers
  4. You can download any article from the website free of cost.
  5. Simple steps for publication of research articles and review articles.
  6. Expression Journal is an open access journal for high indexing and promotion of your published papers
  7. Share free Knowledge and Promote "Advance Research & Innovative Ideas"
  8. For any query email us at :
  9. Expression Journal is published bimonthly with six issues per year.


The Expression Journal makes every possible effort to ensure the accuracy of all the contents. However, it is not responsible for any discrepancies inadvertently occurred while editing manuscript. The journal retains copyright and makes no representations or warranties whatsoever with respect of the views, opinions or originality etc. of the published manuscripts. Editor or any other member of this journal will not be responsible for any claim in this regard. It is only the author's responsibility of the originality of the submitted work. It is automatically acknowledgment that the contributor has read our guidelines before submitting any manuscript by email or online submission. This journal is not in the UGC-CARE list. The accountability of the subject matter articulated in this journal is entirely of the concerned author and the concerned author is solely responsible for copyright or legal etc. any issue if claimed in future and onus is solely responsible for any penalty, loss or legal action. 






Notice Board

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    Journal Submission
    Submissions are open for Vol. 10 Issue 4 (August 2023 Issue) of the Expression Journal.

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    Watch Video: Strong Motivation

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    Those people who want to remain the member of editorial, advisory or reviewers' board of this journal, they must be in touch with the editor and they have to pay membership fee annually/as per plan, failing which their names may be deleted from the list.

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    Urgent Atttention
    We are not accepting online submissions. Please don't email at as it is also deliberately unfunctional due to some unavaiodable reasons. Please send all manuscripts only at

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    Subscribe These You Tube Channels
    Link for Our YouTube Channel: Link for Our YouTube Channel: Subscribe these channels. The first channel is related to important issues connected to life, and the second channel is for those who are poets/shayars/ghazal writers.

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    Watch Video: Why to Learn? || How to Learn? || Students' 90 Day Challenge

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Impact Factor: 6.4

ISSN 2395-4132

Approved By

Global Indexing

Open Access Journal

Android App

CC License

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.


Publication Address

Dr. Bijender Singh
440, Sector 5, Rohtak, Haryana-124001
Rohtak, Haryana 


Indexing and Abstracting

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